Friday, June 17, 2011


My parents told me to stay,
But I've no interest to stay here anymore,
I need to do something,for myself.

I know it's cruel,but who'll really understand me?
They know what I want?
They know what I need?

I need a true-hearted friend...
I need a calm and peaceful life...
I need to become what I wanted to become since the 1st day I dreamed...

Guys,saying is easy,but would u guys actually do it??
I'm feeling a little depress of u guys...
Maybe is just my ego and selfishness made me doing things out of my mind.

Now I learned,I learned to give and take.
Don't pour all the water into the glass as u never know the glass can endure the pressure and volume.
Do it step by step,slowly...

Then,u'll get what u want...
God,forgive me as I'm the sinner,
I pray for myself,to lead me to the correct path.
Pray for everyone,to give what they wanted.
Pray for this world,as I've been having nightmares for 2 days continuously about the end of the word,this ain't a good sign.


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